21 Best Interview Questions for Digital Marketing
In This Article am gonna share “ 21 best interview questions for digital marketing”. As digital marketing has become quite popular and almost everyone wants a career in the field of digital marketing and before going for a job search a candidate should have a piece of great knowledge of digital marketing questions and answers

What are the interview questions for Digital Marketing?
Here are the 20 Best interview Questions for Digital Marketing
- Question: What is Digital Marketing?
Answer: Digital Marketing is the art of marketing or branding a specific business, Brand or person over the internet on different Digital Media platforms like mobile, laptops, pcs, etc.
- Question: is digital marketing useful for the business?
Answer: Nowadays almost every business wants to have an online presence that can help the business to grow faster and for this purpose digital marketing is very much important. In simple terms, the website is of no use if SEO is not done for that particular website.
- Question: What are the different channels of digital marketing?
Answer: The four major channels of digital marketing are:
- Question: What is SEO?
Answer: SEO is the abbreviation for Search Engine Optimization and SEO refers to a set of activities that are performed on the website to make a website search engine friendly and to ensure that the website is optimized according to the Google guidelines.
Question: What is PPC?
Answer: The full form of PPC is Pay-per-click. It is a paid marketing. In simple terms, PPC is a method of buying visitors to your website and the traffic that is coming from PPC is inorganic. And as the name suggest pay-per-click. Whenever a visitor clicks on your add you will be charged a certain amount per click.
- Where the PPC ads are displayed in the SERP?
Answer: PPC results appears on the top and bottom of the SERP
- Explain about SMO
Answer: SMO is Social Media Optimization and it refers to all the activities that can be taken on the different social media platforms in order to drag more traffic to the specific brand using various social media platforms like facebook,Instagram, Linkedin, Twitter etc.
8.What is smm?
Answer: smm stands for social media marketing and it is similar to the ppc there we were placing ads in the search engine and in smm we place ads on social media like creating awareness for a specific brand through facebook, instagram or linkedin ads.
9. What is Keyword?
Answer: Key Word is a word that a user enters into the search box to get a query from searchengines.For instance, if we want to get information about digital marketing we might be entering “ the Best digital marketing agency in India” or the “digital marketing SEO questions” etc
10.How Many types of SEOs are there? And what are they? Give a brief explanation
Answer: Seo that is search engine optimization are of three types they are
- On page SEO
- Off Page SEO
- Technical SEO
On page SEO refers to all the changes and optimizations done inorder to make the website search engine friendly with in the actual website it is called as on -page seo For instance, optimizing title and making the character length of title not more than 60. And optimizing description, adding of keywords in title, description and also in content. Creating and uploading robots.txt file, setting up of canonical tag, schema markups, setting up favicon icon, optimizing heading tags and giving alt text or tags to the images all these factors comes under On page SEO
Off Page SEO : It refers to the optimization that have done outside of the website is called off page seo and it is all about link building activity
11. What is link building activity:
Answer: Link building activity is nothing but getting a link from other websites to our website. This activity shows the search engine that this specific website has some values as it has got a link from a good authoritative website. And before getting link from other websites to our website we should consider three factors and those are domain authority, page authority and spam score. Always rember that thw website from which you want to get a backlink should have a good domain and page authority that should be higher than your domain and page authority and should have a low spam score.
12. What are the different techniques of SEO:
Answer: There are three techniques of SEO and they are black hat SEO, White hat SEO, and Grey hat SEO.White Hat SEO is following all the guidelines given by the Google. Black hat SEO is opposite to White Hat SEO not following google guidelines and getting backlinks through spamming and gambling all comes under black hat SEO. If any one wants Survive for a long period than should follow only white hat SEO
Grey Hat SEO is Niether white hat nor black hat using both the techniques and optimizing the Website
13. What are Meta tags?
Answer: Meta tags are used to tell the search engines about what the website is and there are different meta tags such as meta keywords, meta title, meta description
14. How many character length a title should have?
Answer: According to google guidelines title should have 60 or below 60 characters and not more than 60 characters.
15. What is an ideal description?
Answer: Description sould have 60-160 character length. And not more than 300 characters the ideal description length is 165.
16. What is robots.txt?
Answer: robots.txt is a text file that tells the search engine to crawl which page and to leave which page without crawling. The syntax for robots.txt is
User-agent: *
Here the asterisk symbol * specifies all the search engines like google, yahoo, bing etc and allow means to allow a specific page for crawling and to specify disallow is to stop a search engine from crawling a specific page from crawling
17 what is canonical tag and why it is used?
Answer: By setting a canonical tag for a particular page we specifies the search engine that this url is the mqin copy of the page
18. What is schema.org?
Answer: Schema is a collection of tags. If you specify schema in your HTML code. It will help search engines to better know about your website and present a good search result of your website in SERP.
19. Which digital Marketing tools do you use?
Answer:There are differnet tools that makes digital marketing more easy and efficient
Some of them are
- Google keyword planner
- Uber suggest
- SEO Quake
- Small SEO tools
- Grammer.ly
- Canva
- SEO Optimer
- SEObility
- Ahref
- Semrush
20. What is Google Analytics:
Answer: Google Analytics is a tool used to track the traffic of the website. From this tool all the information regarding the traffic like from where the traffic is coming and to which age group do they belong. And what more efforts we can make to improve the seo of the website.
21. What is the keyword density?
Answer: The ideal and the suggested keyword density should be like if the content is of 100 words the focused keyword should be used 1-3 times and accordingly, we need to calculate the density as in this article I have used 20 Best Interview Questions for Digital Marketing as my focus keyword and this keyword should appear 3-4 times in the content of more than 1000 words
So, these are the important digital marketing strategy interview questions and these questions can help you a lot in cracking your interview and getting your dream job in one of the trending Career of 2k21
20 Best Interview Questions for Digital Marketing have been mentioned here apart from these questions The Main Topics on which the candidate need to focus are as follows
- On Page SEO
- Link Building Activities
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explained very clearly. Thank you for your post.
I also write for seo and seo related topics
i shared a very recent blog on difference between SEO and SEM